The first thing I am digging....homemade no bake cheesecake!! DELICIOUS!
My Mom has made this most of my life...the recipe is from my Aunt Donna.
Tyler LOVES it!! This was one of the first things he said I needed to learn how to make when we first moved in together was one of the few things I knew how to make for a long time
Super Simple!
I am also "digging" driving down our street each evening when I get home from work to a matching house and garage! I just love it! The little things in life...
I am digging that it might reach the 70's this weekend! Can I get an AMEN! After today's impromptu snow....I am SO OVER winter! I assume everyone else feels the same?!?
70's = lots of outside work! We have lots to do on our house and would appreciate some nice weather to work in!
Remember this bench?!?
It has been primed in white....still working on getting a final coat color picked and put on...a final photo hopefully will appear soon!
Hope everyone is having a GRAND Tuesday!!