Sunday, March 9, 2014

Kitra is 3 months!

On March 5th Kitra Anne was 3 months!!

At 3 months Kitra is:
13 lbs and 13oz and 23.75 inches long!!
She keeps growing and growing!
She currently wears 3 to 6 month clothing and certain brands are even tight lengthwise 
I think it is official she will be a tall girl :) 

At 3 months Kitra loves:

Playing in her play gym...also just laying on her back in general

She can roll to her side all by her self and with different types of help has rolled from back to tummy!

Kitra is a giraffe girl!!
Her two favorite toys are 

(pronounced her-raf-eh...aka the spanish form of giraffe) 
I named this toy... :)


This toy is named by the company and is all the rage with lots of kiddos!!
Kitra currently plays with the tiny teether on the right but we will probably be busting "large" Sophie out pretty soon!

Kitra still loves naps with her Daddy!! 

And tries to hold her own bottle!!
Sporting her super hip "loom" bracelet that her friend Kaden from daycare made her!!

Kitra is such a happy baby who coos, smiles, babbles, and moves all the time!! She sleeps through the night from about 10pm to 7am which we appreciate more than she will ever know!!

I say all the time we have been blessed with a wonderful baby and can't wait to see what life has in store for her!!