Thursday, June 20, 2013

Throwback Thursday....Weekend Recap!

Okay in honor of Baby W I thought I would do a Mom and Dad baby pic throwback!!

First up Tyler!! With Grandpa Ray :)
Isn't he just SO cute in his blue overalls!

Next up Monica!! With my Mom and Dad :)
Once again my parents look SO young! They were 21 when they had me!

These were quick photos I snagged off my Mom and Tyler's Auntie Kristin's facebook! I will be digging much harder and find some of my Tyler and Monica baby favorites as the months go on!! So stay tuned....Who will BABY W look like Mom or Dad?!?

And now a weekend wrap up!!

We certainly had a interesting weekend!! 
First up Oceans of early Father's day for my Dad!

We arrived at Oceans of Fun the sun was shining and we were excited for some fun in the Sun!!
However about 2 HOURS in....our fun turned into craziness!!
The wind picked up...the skys got dark...and little rain droplets began to fall....we quickly moved towards our security locker where all of our items were when it down poured! HARD!!

However the pouring rain was the least of our little brother and his girlfriend had disappeared! We waited under a building overhand for over an hour worried sick about where they were considering they didn't have cellphone on them...I mean we were at a water park after all!

They eventually turned up with an interesting story of their own!
They had went over to Worlds of Fun and they were almost on a rollercoaster when the storm hit and employee's directed them to the Mamba basement...along with about 200 other people.
They said the smell was fabulous and there was no cell service.
In addition the lights were flickering and almost went out!

So needless to say we had a crazy start to our weekend!!
I of course got no photos!

We followed it up with a much more relaxing sunday!
We had a wonderful lunch at Mark and LuAnn's and presented Mark with his father's day and birthday gifts!! His usual favorite black oil sunflower bird seed and menard's giftcard!
Thanks Mark and LuAnn for a great early Sunday!!

We followed it up with some fishing with my side of the family! Including my Dad's father also know as my PAPA!! We fished for several hours and Tyler (the Daddy to be) was the only one who caught anything :(

It was a great Father's Day but we are looking forward to next year with a precious little baby of our own!!

Some fishing photos :)   

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