Thursday, January 16, 2014

Kitra is 1 month!!

On January 5th our little girl was 1 month old!! It is absolutely crazy how fast time has pasted. Everyone told us don't blink because they will be grown up before you know it :)

It is so true!! I feel like the last month has been a blur but has been incredibly amazing!!

At 1 month Kitra loves:
(Daddy always plays her music on his phone during baths everything from LMAFO to Baby Einstein LOL) 

Making silly noises one of which we call her "goose call"

Moving her legs and arms ALOT!

Making lots of silly faces including smiling and sticking out her tongue

She can for the most part hold her head up 
Here are few photos:
She is LOVE of our Life!!

Each day she changes and grows!! I can't imagine all that she will accomplish :) We are SO excited to see what the rest of our lives with her holds!!

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