Happy Thanksgiving All!! Hope your holiday was grand :)
Week 38 is coming to a close so we snapped a photo today before we went to my in laws for our delicious Thanksgiving meal.
This week was the culmination of a long standing pinterest project!!
The wall décor for Baby K's Nursery!
Here was the inspiration:
Our finished Product from Baby K's Room!! LOVE IT!!
All fabric patterns purchased from Joanns fabric, I had the embroidery hoops and spray painted them gold, Then the K we purchased at Hobby Lobby with a change of paint color we were ready to GO!!
Thanks to Daddy and Gypsy for their hanging skills :)
With this project the Nursery is now COMPLETE!! YAY!! So here is a quick photo tour of Baby K's Nursery :)
Fabric hoop on adjacent wall
Precious moments train
Armoire changing station
The teddy bear on top...Tyler gave me one Valentines day
Crib bedding
Shelving unit
Shoe addiction just like her Mama and Uncle Marshall :)
Bow holder with just a few bows....several are in her hospital bag :)
Car Seat is Ready to GO!!
Nursery is all ready to go....now all we need is the BABY!!
When should we expect baby K?!?
My doctor was pretty confident that I wouldn't make it to my due date or that I shouldn't have to be induced however....it seems that I progressed quickly and now have been staying the same SO who knows!! I am not getting my hopes up...I think Baby K may just stay in till after her due date but we are hoping she decides to come on her own and SOON!!
Tyler and I are getting SO anxious to meet our daughter and to see what she looks like!