Duck Dynasty Style:
Church, Family Gathered for Food, Shotguns and Cow Shenanigans
Tyler and I began our morning bright and early at 7am Mass with Mark and LuAnn...I think this is the first time I have ever been to Mass that early! I was amazed at how beautiful the stained glass windows are as the Sun slowly begins to rise :) By the time church was over the gold in the windows was shining SO bright it was really neat!
Family Gathered for Food:
We headed over to my Aunt Donna's house for a Manly/Akin/Ward/Wiske fun filled day!
Which began with a delicious (as usual) spread of food for Easter lunch!
After everyone's tummys were nice and full we headed out to do some trap shooting!
I am great with a rifle, mediocre with a hand gun....but my shotgun skills at times are a little lacking :( However it is always fun to do a little practice!
Little know fact: My little brother Marshall used to shoot competitive trap and therefore is AMAZING with a shotgun! Most of us couldn't stand a chance against him!
William came dressed for the occasion in his tie t-shirt...dressy yet casual LOL!
Family Fun-ness
Dad and Mom discussing techniques :)

Donna and Sami were our cheering section!
A few bruised shoulders later
(or at least mine is bruised...I do shoot a 12 gauge) we move onto the...
(or at least mine is bruised...I do shoot a 12 gauge) we move onto the...
Cow Shenanigans:
My Mom was standing in my Aunt and Uncle's kitchen and starts yelling that a calf is LOOSE!
Well it so happened to be my cousin Sami's calf named Baby...she wrangled her in for us to pet and bottle feed!
Now folks this a RARE occasion!! My father touching livestock...he got thrown off a horse as a child and has never really like any type of large animal again!! However he did pet the calf :)
So that about sums up our Easter Sunday!! It was was yours?!?
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